Hi David! On Sat, 09 Aug 2008, David Haller wrote:
Kurz: das ganze Muster passt von <p bis zu _nächsten_ >. Alles relevante steht in 'man 7 regex', vim verwendet soweit ich weiß die "extended regular expressions" wie egrep.
Nein, Vim verwendet eine Syntax, die sich an Perl anlehnt. *seufz* Aber die sind (fast) so mächtig wie Perl's RE. :h pattern.txt beschreibt alles ziemlich umfassend, inklusive Beispiele. Ach ja, :h perl-patterns: ,---- | 9. Compare with Perl patterns *perl-patterns* | | Vim's regexes are most similar to Perl's, in terms of what you can do. The | difference between them is mostly just notation; here's a summary of where | they differ: | | Capability in Vimspeak in Perlspeak ~ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | force case insensitivity \c (?i) | force case sensitivity \C (?-i) | backref-less grouping \%(atom\) (?:atom) | conservative quantifiers \{-n,m} *?, +?, ??, {}? | 0-width match atom\@= (?=atom) | 0-width non-match atom\@! (?!atom) | 0-width preceding match atom\@<= (?<=atom) | 0-width preceding non-match atom\@<! (?<!atom) | match without retry atom\@> (?>atom) | | Vim and Perl handle newline characters inside a string a bit differently: | | In Perl, ^ and $ only match at the very beginning and end of the text, | by default, but you can set the 'm' flag, which lets them match at | embedded newlines as well. You can also set the 's' flag, which causes | a . to match newlines as well. (Both these flags can be changed inside | a pattern using the same syntax used for the i flag above, BTW.) | | On the other hand, Vim's ^ and $ always match at embedded newlines, and | you get two separate atoms, \%^ and \%$, which only match at the very | start and end of the text, respectively. Vim solves the second problem | by giving you the \_ "modifier": put it in front of a . or a character | class, and they will match newlines as well. | | Finally, these constructs are unique to Perl: | - execution of arbitrary code in the regex: (?{perl code}) | - conditional expressions: (?(condition)true-expr|false-expr) | | ...and these are unique to Vim: | - changing the magic-ness of a pattern: \v \V \m \M | (very useful for avoiding backslashitis) | - sequence of optionally matching atoms: \%[atoms] | - \& (which is to \| what "and" is to "or"; it forces several branches | to match at one spot) | - matching lines/columns by number: \%5l \%5c \%5v | - setting the start and end of the match: \zs \ze `----
Naja, sich mit perl zu beschäftigen lohnt sich IMO :) +1
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