Hallo, hab ich Dich richtig verstanden, dass ich im Programm nvidia-settings nicht in der "X Server Display Configuration" auf "Speichern" gehen soll, sondern unter "nvidia-settings configuration"? Ich hab das probiert und gespeichert unter /etc/X11/.nvidia-settings-rc (Datei siehe unten). /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc habe ich angepasst (siehe unten) Die Dateien vom ersten Versuch im Userverzeichnis habe ich wieder gelöscht. Nach dem Neustart ist alles beim alten und ich muss die Einstellungen doch wieder neu machen. Mach ich immer noch was falsch? Gruß Karl ######### /etc/X11/.nvidia-settings-rc # # /etc/X11/.nvidia-settings-rc # # Configuration file for nvidia-settings - the NVIDIA X Server Settings utility # Generated on Sat May 28 23:02:00 2016 # # ConfigProperties: RcFileLocale = C ToolTips = Yes DisplayStatusBar = Yes SliderTextEntries = Yes IncludeDisplayNameInConfigFile = No ShowQuitDialog = Yes UpdateRulesOnProfileNameChange = Yes Timer = Memory_Used_(GPU_0),Yes,3000 Timer = Thermal_Monitor_(GPU_0),Yes,1000 Timer = PowerMizer_Monitor_(GPU_0),Yes,1000 # Attributes: 0/SyncToVBlank=1 0/LogAniso=0 0/FSAA=0 0/TextureSharpen=0 0/TextureClamping=1 0/FXAA=0 0/AllowFlipping=1 0/FSAAAppControlled=1 0/LogAnisoAppControlled=1 0/OpenGLImageSettings=1 0/FSAAAppEnhanced=0 0/XVideoSyncToDisplayID=DVI-I-0 [DPY:DVI-I-0]/Dithering=0 [DPY:DVI-I-0]/DitheringMode=0 [DPY:DVI-I-0]/DitheringDepth=0 [DPY:DVI-I-0]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 [DPY:VGA-0]/RedBrightness=0.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/GreenBrightness=0.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/BlueBrightness=0.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/RedContrast=0.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/GreenContrast=0.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/BlueContrast=0.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/RedGamma=1.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/GreenGamma=1.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/BlueGamma=1.000000 [DPY:VGA-0]/Dithering=0 [DPY:VGA-0]/DitheringMode=0 [DPY:VGA-0]/DitheringDepth=0 [DPY:VGA-0]/DigitalVibrance=0 [DPY:VGA-0]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/RedBrightness=0.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/GreenBrightness=0.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/BlueBrightness=0.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/RedContrast=0.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/GreenContrast=0.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/BlueContrast=0.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/RedGamma=1.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/GreenGamma=1.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/BlueGamma=1.000000 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/Dithering=0 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/DitheringMode=0 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/DitheringDepth=0 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/DigitalVibrance=0 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/ColorSpace=0 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/ColorRange=0 [DPY:DVI-I-1]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 [DPY:HDMI-0]/Dithering=0 [DPY:HDMI-0]/DitheringMode=0 [DPY:HDMI-0]/DitheringDepth=0 [DPY:HDMI-0]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 ######### /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc #!/bin/bash # # Sample .xinitrc for SuSE Linux # This script is called from 'startx' when you start an X session # # # In case everything goes wrong, we at least fall back to a plain xterm # failsafe="xterm -ls -T Failsafe -geometry 80x24-0-0" trap "exec $failsafe" EXIT SIGHUP SIGINT SIGPIPE SIGTERM SIGIO # # Some bash (1 and 2) settings to avoid trouble on a # failed program call. # set +e > /dev/null 2>&1 set +u > /dev/null 2>&1 set +o posix > /dev/null 2>&1 if type shopt > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then shopt -s execfail else no_exit_on_failed_exec=1 fi # # Source common code shared between the # X session and X init scripts # . /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.common # # Special for twm # case "$WINDOWMANAGER" in *twm) xsetroot -solid darkslateblue esac # # Uncomment next lines to activate asking for ssh passphrase # # if test -S "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" -a -x "$SSH_ASKPASS"; then # ssh-add < /dev/null # fi # # Add your own lines here... # nvidia-settings --config==/etc/X11/.nvidia-settings-rc -l & # day planer deamon # pland & # # finally start the window manager # unset WINDOW_MANAGER STARTUP exec $WINDOWMANAGER ${1+"$@"} # call failsafe exit 0 -- Um die Liste abzubestellen, schicken Sie eine Mail an: opensuse-de+unsubscribe@opensuse.org Um den Listen Administrator zu erreichen, schicken Sie eine Mail an: opensuse-de+owner@opensuse.org