I did talk to Doug and he shares the opinion that opensuse.cz should point to localized content on opensuse.org Content from http://suseportal.cz/forum could be set up at https://forums.opensuse.org/forum.php Doug: From my perspective, suseportal.cz would be a good url for an ISV or partner selling suse products. I don't see a use on the openSUSE side of things though. So pretty much the same opinion as we've had on the yesterday's call. On Wed, 2021-01-13 at 12:36 +0000, Lubos Kocman wrote:
Meeting minutes can be also found here https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/suseportalcz_discussion
Proposed meeting time Feb January 12th 18:00 https://meet.opensuse.org/HollowSummariesWriteHourly
Language: Preferred Czech as this is a Czech user portal writing exclusively in Czech language.
Dan Čermák, Luboš Kocman, Mark Stopka, Vojta Zeisek
Meeting minutes: lkocman: We should relation in between *.opensuse.org and suseportal.cz. And opensuse.cz?
news The end goal could be that news.opensususe.org are using weblate for translations to other languages and the czech-translation simply available over the *.cz domain. Translated articles would be currently published on suseportal.cz as a short to medium term goal. Translation of news.o.o is not very handy. Better'd be if news.o.o would be some normal CMS (WP, Drupal, ...) with multilingual support... Vojta: Handling translations directly in news.o-o sounds like better option.
cs.opensuse.org (wiki) lkocman: I'd like to avoid duplication of information on Czech wiki site This is more general problem --- function of wiki (vs. doc.o.o etc.)
CMS vs gitops topic. We've agreed that gitops seems to be the future of publishing.
opensuse.cz redirects directly to opensuse.org, users can click on the list-button which offers Czech language. So there is translation done via weblate, but it's not in use in case you get to portal via opensuse.cz.
* openSUSE.cz doesn't have to be necessarily redirect but rather a landing page. Dan: that's basically get.opensuse.org
Vojtech: opensuse.cz sounds like a better place to publish any sort of Czech content. Marek generally prefers mixed content about SUSE/openSUSE to ensure content "flow" and possible revenue. Who's the audience in this case? E.g. BFU will not read a sophisticated article about Czech deployment that might be otherwise very appreciated by storage SMEs.
The only place which currently has some news in Czech language is: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/suse-ceska-republika
Lubos: It might make sense to reach out to people who publish articles on linkedin and see if they'd be interested in publishing articles there and collecting articles from our distributors (DNS) and sponsors. Either SUSE CZ or DNS could be the owner. We suppose that SUSE might not be interested in owning the domain/portal.
Action items: Reach out to Doug regarding preference to use suseportal.cz to Czech content on *.opensuse.org (respective .cz). But then we lose the benefit of SUSE portal, promotes both SUSE and openSUSE content. (Doug is fine with this) pointer of opensuse.cz -> Czech content of opensuse.org has to be fixed anyway. https://github.com/openSUSE/software-o-o/issues/953 Send copy of this report in the morning to users-cz@lists.opensuse.org and marketing@lists.opensuse.org
Reach out to people behind https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/suse-ceska-republika/ regarding possible ownership of portal and publishing mixture of content from SUSE/openSUSE/sponsors/distributors. Next step would be to ask the DNS distributor for their interest in the domain and possibly other partners. That discussion should ideally involve partner manager for Czechia. - provide feedback to Mark -> Mark will follow-up with DNS
opensuse.cz makes sense also for BFU :-)
-- Lubos Kocman, Release Manager openSUSE Leap SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg - Germany (HRB 36809, AG Nürnberg) Geschäftsführer: Felix Imendörffer