openSUSE-SU-2014:0326-1: moderate: update for pidgin

openSUSE Security Update: update for pidgin ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2014:0326-1 Rating: moderate References: #806975 Cross-References: CVE-2012-6152 CVE-2013-6477 CVE-2013-6478 CVE-2013-6479 CVE-2013-6481 CVE-2013-6482 CVE-2013-6483 CVE-2013-6484 CVE-2013-6485 CVE-2013-6486 CVE-2013-6487 CVE-2014-0020 Affected Products: openSUSE 11.4 ______________________________________________________________________________ An update that fixes 12 vulnerabilities is now available. Description: - Update to version 2.10.8 (bnc#861019): + General: Python build scripts and example plugins are now compatible with Python 3 ( + libpurple: - Fix potential crash if libpurple gets an error attempting to read a reply from a STUN server (CVE-2013-6484). - Fix potential crash parsing a malformed HTTP response (CVE-2013-6479). - Fix buffer overflow when parsing a malformed HTTP response with chunked Transfer-Encoding (CVE-2013-6485). - Better handling of HTTP proxy responses with negative Content-Lengths. - Fix handling of SSL certificates without subjects when using libnss. - Fix handling of SSL certificates with timestamps in the distant future when using libnss ( - Impose maximum download size for all HTTP fetches. + Pidgin: - Fix crash displaying tooltip of long URLs (CVE-2013-6478). - Better handling of URLs longer than 1000 letters. - Fix handling of multibyte UTF-8 characters in smiley themes ( + AIM: Fix untrusted certificate error. + AIM and ICQ: Fix a possible crash when receiving a malformed message in a Direct IM session. + Gadu-Gadu: - Fix buffer overflow with remote code execution potential. Only triggerable by a Gadu-Gadu server or a man-in-the-middle (CVE-2013-6487). - Disabled buddy list import/export from/to server. - Disabled new account registration and password change options. + IRC: - Fix bug where a malicious server or man-in-the-middle could trigger a crash by not sending enough arguments with various messages (CVE-2014-0020). - Fix bug where initial IRC status would not be set correctly. - Fix bug where IRC wasn't available when libpurple was compiled with Cyrus SASL support ( + MSN: - Fix NULL pointer dereference parsing headers in MSN (CVE-2013-6482). - Fix NULL pointer dereference parsing OIM data in MSN (CVE-2013-6482). - Fix NULL pointer dereference parsing SOAP data in MSN (CVE-2013-6482). - Fix possible crash when sending very long messages. Not remotely-triggerable. + MXit: - Fix buffer overflow with remote code execution potential (CVE-2013-6487). - Fix sporadic crashes that can happen after user is disconnected. - Fix crash when attempting to add a contact via search results. - Show error message if file transfer fails. - Fix compiling with InstantBird. - Fix display of some custom emoticons. + SILC: Correctly set whiteboard dimensions in whiteboard sessions. + SIMPLE: Fix buffer overflow with remote code execution potential (CVE-2013-6487). + XMPP: - Prevent spoofing of iq replies by verifying that the 'from' address matches the 'to' address of the iq request (CVE-2013-6483). - Fix crash on some systems when receiving fake delay timestamps with extreme values (CVE-2013-6477). - Fix possible crash or other erratic behavior when selecting a very small file for your own buddy icon. - Fix crash if the user tries to initiate a voice/video session with a resourceless JID. - Fix login errors when the first two available auth mechanisms fail but a subsequent mechanism would otherwise work when using Cyrus SASL ( - Fix dropping incoming stanzas on BOSH connections when we receive multiple HTTP responses at once ( + Yahoo!: - Fix possible crashes handling incoming strings that are not UTF-8 (CVE-2012-6152). - Fix a bug reading a peer to peer message where a remote user could trigger a crash (CVE-2013-6481). + Plugins: - Fix crash in contact availability plugin. - Fix perl function Purple::Network::ip_atoi. - Add Unity integration plugin. + Windows specific fixes: (CVE-2013-6486,,, bgo#668154). - Drop pidgin-irc-sasl.patch, fixed upstream. - Obsolete pidgin-facebookchat: the package is no longer maintained and pidgin as built-in support for Facebook Chat. - Protect buildrequires for mono-devel with with_mono macro. Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Security Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE 11.4: zypper in -t patch 2014-24 To bring your system up-to-date, use "zypper patch". Package List: - openSUSE 11.4 (i586 x86_64): finch-2.10.9-4.57.1 finch-debuginfo-2.10.9-4.57.1 finch-devel-2.10.9-4.57.1 libpurple-2.10.9-4.57.1 libpurple-debuginfo-2.10.9-4.57.1 libpurple-devel-2.10.9-4.57.1 libpurple-meanwhile-2.10.9-4.57.1 libpurple-meanwhile-debuginfo-2.10.9-4.57.1 libpurple-plugin-sipe-1.14.0-6.3 libpurple-plugin-sipe-debuginfo-1.14.0-6.3 libpurple-tcl-2.10.9-4.57.1 libpurple-tcl-debuginfo-2.10.9-4.57.1 pidgin-2.10.9-4.57.1 pidgin-debuginfo-2.10.9-4.57.1 pidgin-debugsource-2.10.9-4.57.1 pidgin-devel-2.10.9-4.57.1 pidgin-embeddedvideo-debugsource-1.1-5.3 pidgin-evolution-2.10.9-4.57.1 pidgin-evolution-debuginfo-2.10.9-4.57.1 pidgin-otr-3.2.0-154.3 pidgin-otr-debuginfo-3.2.0-154.3 pidgin-otr-debugsource-3.2.0-154.3 pidgin-plugin-embeddedvideo-1.1-5.3 pidgin-plugin-embeddedvideo-debuginfo-1.1-5.3 pidgin-sipe-1.14.0-6.3 pidgin-sipe-debugsource-1.14.0-6.3 - openSUSE 11.4 (noarch): libpurple-lang-2.10.9-4.57.1 pidgin-branding-openSUSE-11.1-18.1 References:
participants (1)