openSUSE-SU-2013:0911-1: moderate: update for wireshark

openSUSE Security Update: update for wireshark ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2013:0911-1 Rating: moderate References: #820566 Cross-References: CVE-2013-2486 CVE-2013-2487 Affected Products: openSUSE 11.4 ______________________________________________________________________________ An update that fixes two vulnerabilities is now available. Description: This update of wireshark includes several security and bug fixes. [bnc#820566] + vulnerabilities fixed: * The RELOAD dissector could go into an infinite loop. wnpa-sec-2013-23 CVE-2013-2486 CVE-2013-2487 * The GTPv2 dissector could crash. wnpa-sec-2013-24 * The ASN.1 BER dissector could crash. wnpa-sec-2013-25 * The PPP CCP dissector could crash. wnpa-sec-2013-26 * The DCP ETSI dissector could crash. wnpa-sec-2013-27 * The MPEG DSM-CC dissector could crash. wnpa-sec-2013-28 * The Websocket dissector could crash. wnpa-sec-2013-29 * The MySQL dissector could go into an infinite loop. wnpa-sec-2013-30 * The ETCH dissector could go into a large loop. wnpa-sec-2013-31 + Further bug fixes and updated protocol support as listed in: Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Security Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE 11.4: zypper in -t patch 2013-88 To bring your system up-to-date, use "zypper patch". Package List: - openSUSE 11.4 (i586 x86_64): wireshark-1.8.7-45.1 wireshark-debuginfo-1.8.7-45.1 wireshark-debugsource-1.8.7-45.1 wireshark-devel-1.8.7-45.1 References:
participants (1)