openSUSE-RU-2015:0140-1: aws-cli

openSUSE Recommended Update: aws-cli ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-RU-2015:0140-1 Rating: low References: #905354 Affected Products: openSUSE 13.2 ______________________________________________________________________________ An update that has one recommended fix can now be installed. Description: This recommended update for aws-cli fixes the following issues: - Update to version 1.7.1 (bnc#905354) + bugfix:``aws s3 cp``: Fix issue with parts of a file being downloaded more than once when streaming to stdout (`issue 1087 <>`__) + bugfix:``--no-sign-request``: Fix issue where requests were still trying to be signed even though user used the ``--no-sign-request`` flag. (`botocore issue 433 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws cloudsearchdomain search``: Fix invalid signatures when using the ``aws cloudsearchdomain search`` command (`issue 976 <>`__) + feature:``aws cloudhsm``: Add support for AWS CloudHSM. + feature:``aws ecs``: Add support for ``aws ecs``, the Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) + feature:``aws rds``: Add Encryption at Rest and CloudHSM Support. + feature:``aws ec2``: Add Classic Link support + feature:``aws cloudsearch``: Update ``aws cloudsearch`` command to latest version + bugfix:``aws cloudfront wait``: Fix issue where wait commands did not stop waiting when a success state was reached. (`botocore issue 426 <>`_) + bugfix:``aws ec2 run-instances``: Allow binary files to be passed to ``--user-data`` (`botocore issue 416 <>`_) + bugfix:``aws cloudsearchdomain suggest``: Add ``--suggest-query`` option to fix the argument being shadowed by the top level ``--query`` option. (`issue 1068 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws emr``: Fix issue with endpoints for ``eu-central-1`` and ``cn-north-1`` (`botocore issue 423 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix issue where empty XML nodes are now parsed as an empty string ``""`` instead of ``null``, which allows for round tripping ``aws s3 get/put-bucket-lifecycle`` (`issue 1076 <>`__) + bugfix:AssumeRole: Fix issue with cache filenames when assuming a role on Windows (`issue 1063 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws s3 ls``: Fix issue when listing Amazon S3 objects containing non-ascii characters in eu-central-1 (`issue 1046 <>`__) + feature:``aws storagegateway``: Update the ``aws storagegateway`` command to the latest version + feature:``aws emr``: Update the ``aws emr`` command to the latest version + bugfix:``aws emr create-cluster``: Fix script runnner jar to the current region location when ``--enable-debugging`` is specified in the ``aws emr create-cluster`` command + bugfix:``aws datapipeline get-pipeline-definition``: Rename operation parameter ``--version`` to ``--pipeline-version`` to avoid shadowinga built in parameter (`issue 1058 <>`__) + bugfix:pip installation: Fix issue where pip installations would cause an error due to the system's python configuration (`issue 1051 <>`__) + feature:``aws elastictranscoder``: Update the ``aws elastictranscoder`` command to the latest version + bugfix:Non-ascii chars: Fix issue where escape sequences were being printed instead of the non-ascii chars (`issue 1048 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws iam create-virtual-mfa-device``: Fix issue with ``--outfile`` not supporting relative paths (`issue 1002 <>`__) + feature:``aws sqs``: Add support for Amazon Simple Queue Service purge queue which allows users to delete the messages in their queue. + feature:``aws opsworks``: Add AWS OpsWorks support for registering and assigning existing Amazon EC2 instances and on-premises servers. + feature:``aws opsworks register``: Registers an EC2 instance or machine with AWS OpsWorks. Registering a machine using this command will install the AWS OpsWorks agent on the target machine and register it with an existing OpsWorks stack. + bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix issue with expired signatures when retrying failed requests (`botocore issue 399 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws cloudformation get-template``: Fix error message when template does not exist (`issue 1044 <>`__) + feature:``aws kinesis put-records``: Add support for PutRecord operation. It writes multiple data records from a producer into an Amazon Kinesis stream in a single call + feature:``aws iam get-account-authorization-details``: Add support for GetAccountAuthorizationDetails operation. It retrieves information about all IAM users, groups, and roles in your account, including their relationships to one another and their attached policies. + feature:``aws route53 update-hosted-zone-comment``: Add support for updating the comment of a hosted zone. + bugfix:Timestamp Arguments: Fix issue where certain timestamps were not being accepted as valid input (`botocore issue 389 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws s3``: Skip files whose names cannot be properly decoded (`issue 1038 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws kinesis put-record``: Fix issue where ``--data`` argument was not being base64 encoded (`issue 1033 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws cloudwatch put-metric-data``: Fix issue where the values for ``--statistic-values`` were not being parsed properly (`issue 1036 <>`__) + feature:``aws datapipeline``: Add support for using AWS Data Pipeline templates to create pipelines and bind values to parameters in the pipeline + feature:``aws elastictranscoder``: Add support for encryption of files in Amazon S3 + bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix issue where requests were not being resigned correctly when using Signature Version 4 (`botocore issue 388 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix issue where KMS encrypted objects could not be downloaded (`issue 1026 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix issue where datetime's were not being parsed properly when a profile was specified (`issue 1020 <>`__) + bugfix:Assume Role Credential Provider: Fix issue with parsing expiry time from assume role credential provider (`botocore issue 387 <>`__) + feature:``aws redshift``: Add support for integration with KMS + bugfix:``aws cloudtrail create-subscription``: Set a bucket config location constraint on buckets created outside of us-east-1. (`issue 1013 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws deploy push``: Fix s3 multipart uploads + bugfix:``aws s3 ls``: Fix return codes for non existing objects (`issue 1008 <>`__) + bugfix:Retrying Signed Requests: Fix issue where requests using Signature Version 4 signed with temporary credentials were not being retried properly, resulting in auth errors (`botocore issue 379 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws s3api get-bucket-location``: Fix issue where getting the bucket location for a bucket in eu-central-1 required specifying ``--region eu-central-1`` (`botocore issue 380 <>`__) + bugfix:Timestamp Input: Fix regression where timestamps without any timezone information were not being handled properly (`issue 982 <>`__) + bugfix:Signature Version 4: You can enable Signature Version 4 for Amazon S3 commands by running ``aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4`` (`issue 1006 <>`__, `botocore issue 382 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws emr``: Fix issue where ``--ssh``, ``--get``, ``--put`` would not work when the cluster was in a waiting state (`issue 1007 <>`__) + feature:Binary File Input: Add support for reading file contents as binary by prepending the filename with ``fileb://`` (`issue 1010 <>`__) + bugfix:Streaming Output File: Fix issue when streaming a response to a file and an error response is returned (`issue 1012 <>`__) + bugfix:Binary Output: Fix regression where binary output was no longer being base64 encoded (`issue 1001 <>`__, `issue 970 <>`__) + feature:``aws lambda``: Add support for Amazon Lambda + feature:``aws s3``: Add support for S3 notifications + bugfix:``aws configservice get-status``: Fix connecting to endpoint without using ssl. (`issue 998 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws deploy push``: Fix some python compatibility issues (`issue 1000 <>`__) + feature:``aws deploy``: Adds support for AWS CodeDeploy + feature:``aws configservice``: Adds support for AWS Config + feature:``aws kms``: Adds support AWS Key Management Service + feature:``aws s3api``: Adds support for S3 server-side encryption using KMS + feature:``aws ec2``: Adds support for EBS encryption using KMS + feature:``aws cloudtrail``: Adds support for CloudWatch Logs delivery + feature:``aws cloudformation``: Adds support for template summary. + feature:AssumeRole Credential Provider: Add support for assuming a role by configuring a ``role_arn`` and a ``source_profile`` in the AWS config file (`issue 991 <>`__, `issue 990 <>`__) + feature:Waiters: Add a ``wait`` subcommand that allows for a command to block until an AWS resource reaches a given state (`issue 992 <>`__, `issue 985 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix issue where request was not properly signed on retried requests for ``aws s3`` (`issue 986 <>`__, `botocore issue 375 <>`__) + bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix issue where ``--exclude`` and ``--include`` were not being properly applied when a s3 prefix was provided. (`issue 993 <>`__) + feature:``aws cloudfront``: Adds support for wildcard cookie names and options caching. + feature:``aws route53``: Add further support for private dns and sigv4. + feature:``aws cognito-sync``: Add support for push sync. + bugfix:Pagination: Only display ``--page-size`` when an operation can be paginated (`issue 956 <>`__) + feature:``--generate-cli-skeleton``: Generates a JSON skeleton to fill out and be used as input to ``--cli-input-json``. (`issue 963 <>`_) + feature:``--cli-input-json``: Runs an operation using a global JSON file that supplies all of the operation's arguments. This JSON file can be generated by ``--generate-cli-skeleton``. (`issue 963 <>`_) + feature:``aws s3/s3api``: Show hint about using the correct region when the corresponding error occurs (`issue 968 <>`__) Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Recommended Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE 13.2: zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2015-72 To bring your system up-to-date, use "zypper patch". Package List: - openSUSE 13.2 (noarch): aws-cli-1.7.1-2.8.1 python-botocore-0.82.0-2.8.1 python-jmespath-0.5.0-2.8.1 References:
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