openSUSE-OU-2016:2206-1: Optional update for screenfetch

openSUSE Optional Update: Optional update for screenfetch ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-OU-2016:2206-1 Rating: low References: #995916 Affected Products: SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 ______________________________________________________________________________ An update that has one optional fix can now be installed. Description: This optional update introduces the package screenfetch. screenFetch is a "Bash Screenshot Information Tool". This handy Bash script can be used to generate one of those nifty terminal theme information + ASCII distribution logos you see in everyone's screenshots nowadays. It will auto-detect your distribution and display an ASCII version of that distribution's logo and some valuable information to the right. There are options to specify no ascii art, colors, taking a screenshot upon displaying info, and even customizing the screenshot command! This script is very easy to add to and can be easily extended. Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Optional Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12: zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2016-1038=1 To bring your system up-to-date, use "zypper patch". Package List: - SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 (noarch): screenfetch-3.7.0+git.20160826-2.1 References:
participants (1)