openSUSE Recommended Update: Recommended update for createrepo_c, libmodulemd, and zchunk ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-RU-2021:3227-1 Rating: moderate References: ECO-2036 SLE-12328 Affected Products: openSUSE Leap 15.3 ______________________________________________________________________________ An update that has 0 recommended fixes and contains two features can now be installed. Description: This update for createrepo_c fixes the following issues: createrepo_c: - Does no longer perform a dir walk when --recycle-pkglist is specified - Added automatic module metadata handling for repos - Fixed a couple of memory leaks - Added --arch-expand option - Added --recycle-pkglist option - Set global_exit_status on sigint so that .repodata are cleaned up - Enhance error handling when locating repositories libmodulemd: - Just a rebuild of the package, no source changes zchunk: - Initial shipment of zchunk to SUSE Linux Enterprise Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Recommended Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like YaST online_update or "zypper patch". Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE Leap 15.3: zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.3-2021-3227=1 Package List: - openSUSE Leap 15.3 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64): createrepo_c-0.16.0-3.3.1 createrepo_c-debuginfo-0.16.0-3.3.1 createrepo_c-debugsource-0.16.0-3.3.1 libcreaterepo_c-devel-0.16.0-3.3.1 libcreaterepo_c0-0.16.0-3.3.1 libcreaterepo_c0-debuginfo-0.16.0-3.3.1 libmodulemd-debuginfo-2.12.0-3.10.1 libmodulemd-debugsource-2.12.0-3.10.1 libmodulemd-devel-2.12.0-3.10.1 libmodulemd2-2.12.0-3.10.1 libmodulemd2-debuginfo-2.12.0-3.10.1 libzck-devel-1.1.5-3.2.1 libzck1-1.1.5-3.2.1 libzck1-debuginfo-1.1.5-3.2.1 modulemd-validator-2.12.0-3.10.1 modulemd-validator-debuginfo-2.12.0-3.10.1 python3-createrepo_c-0.16.0-3.3.1 python3-createrepo_c-debuginfo-0.16.0-3.3.1 python3-libmodulemd-2.12.0-3.10.1 typelib-1_0-Modulemd-2_0-2.12.0-3.10.1 zchunk-1.1.5-3.2.1 zchunk-debuginfo-1.1.5-3.2.1 zchunk-debugsource-1.1.5-3.2.1 References: