openSUSE Security Update: update for wireshark ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2012:0558-1 Rating: moderate References: #754474 #754476 #754477 Cross-References: CVE-2012-1593 CVE-2012-1595 CVE-2012-1596 Affected Products: openSUSE 12.1 openSUSE 11.4 ______________________________________________________________________________ An update that fixes three vulnerabilities is now available. Description: Changes in wireshark: - update to 1.4.12 - fix bnc#754474, bnc#754476, bnc#754477(fixed upstream) - Security fixes: - wnpa-sec-2012-04 The ANSI A dissector could dereference a NULL pointer and crash. (Bug 6823) - wnpa-sec-2012-06 The pcap and pcap-ng file parsers could crash trying to read ERF data. (Bug 6804) - wnpa-sec-2012-07 The MP2T dissector could try to allocate too much memory and crash. (Bug 6804) - The Windows installers now include GnuTLS 1.12.18, which fixes several vulnerabilities. - Bug fixes: - Some PGM options are not parsed correctly. (Bug 5687) - dumpcap crashes when capturing from pipe to a pcap-ng file (e.g., when passing data from CACE Pilot to Wireshark). (Bug 5939) - No error for UDP/IPv6 packet with zero checksum. (Bug 6232) - packetBB dissector bug: More than 1000000 items in the tree -- possible infinite loop. (Bug 6687) - Ethernet traces in K12 text format sometimes give bogus "malformed frame" errors and other problems. (Bug 6735) - non-IPP packets to or from port 631 are dissected as IPP. (Bug 6765) - IAX2 dissector reads past end of packet for unknown IEs. (Bug 6815) - Pcap-NG files with SHB options longer than 100 bytes aren't recognized as pcap-NG files, and options longer than 100 bytes in other blocks aren't handled either. (Bug 6846) - Patch to fix DTLS decryption. (Bug 6847) - Expression... dialog is crash. (Bug 6891) - ISAKMP : VendorID CheckPoint : Malformed Packet. (Bug 6972) - Radiotap dissector lists a bogus "DBM TX Attenuation" bit. (Bug 7000) - MySQL dissector assertion. (Ask 8649) Updated Protocol Support HTTP, ISAKMP, MySQL, PacketBB, PGM, TCP, UDP New and Updated Capture File Support Endace ERF, Pcap-NG. Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Security Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE 12.1: zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2012-248 - openSUSE 11.4: zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2012-248 To bring your system up-to-date, use "zypper patch". Package List: - openSUSE 12.1 (i586 x86_64): wireshark-1.4.12-3.8.1 wireshark-debuginfo-1.4.12-3.8.1 wireshark-debugsource-1.4.12-3.8.1 wireshark-devel-1.4.12-3.8.1 - openSUSE 11.4 (i586 x86_64): wireshark-1.4.12-0.10.1 wireshark-debuginfo-1.4.12-0.10.1 wireshark-debugsource-1.4.12-0.10.1 wireshark-devel-1.4.12-0.10.1 References: http://support.novell.com/security/cve/CVE-2012-1593.html http://support.novell.com/security/cve/CVE-2012-1595.html http://support.novell.com/security/cve/CVE-2012-1596.html https://bugzilla.novell.com/754474 https://bugzilla.novell.com/754476 https://bugzilla.novell.com/754477