[opensuse-translation] translations patch - Japanese and Portuguese team read this please
Hi, we (the spanish team) finished the 10.3 translation some days ago (we are verifying the existing translations right now). We want to release a translation patch before the end of the year - if Karl agree with this ;-), maybe we could release a joint patch. What do you think? Best regards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 22:35:44 -0300 Gabriel <gabriel.sgt@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, we (the spanish team) finished the 10.3 translation some days ago (we are verifying the existing translations right now). We want to release a translation patch before the end of the year - if Karl agree with this ;-), maybe we could release a joint patch. What do you think?
Thank you for your plan. That's no problem about releasing patch in Japanese translation. I think it will be a good news in the last of this year! Best regards, -- Yasuhiko Kamata E-mail: belphegor@belbel.or.jp --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org
On Dec 17, 2007 8:13 AM, Yasuhiko Kamata <belphegor@belbel.or.jp> wrote:
Thank you for your plan. That's no problem about releasing patch in Japanese translation. I think it will be a good news in the last of this year!
Ok then, are your translations complete, or you need a bit more time? Tell us how are you about the times, we are expecting to finish our revisions by the end of the week. -- Kind Regards Visitá/Go to >> http://www.opensuse.org
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:18:51 -0300 "Gabriel ." <gabriel.sgt@gmail.com> wrote:
On Dec 17, 2007 8:13 AM, Yasuhiko Kamata <belphegor@belbel.or.jp> wrote:
Thank you for your plan. That's no problem about releasing patch in Japanese translation. I think it will be a good news in the last of this year!
Ok then, are your translations complete, or you need a bit more time? Tell us how are you about the times, we are expecting to finish our revisions by the end of the week.
Our translation in branch openSUSE-10_3-Branch was already completed. So the Japanese translation patch can be released now. Thanks and best regards, -- Yasuhiko Kamata E-mail: belphegor@belbel.or.jp --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org
Gabriel <gabriel.sgt@gmail.com> writes:
Hi, we (the spanish team) finished the 10.3 translation some days ago (we are verifying the existing translations right now). We want to release a translation patch before the end of the year - if Karl agree with this ;-), maybe we could release a joint patch. What do you think?
I'm all for it--thanks for taking action. But we need a bugzilla entry first (if we want to release "official" translation updates) and then coolo's "go ahead" ;) -- Karl Eichwalder R&D / Documentation SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org
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participants (4)
Gabriel .
Karl Eichwalder
Yasuhiko Kamata