Me again :( I apologize for the misleading subject of my previous e-mail. I think I have solved the problem, I just had to look at the next 2 lines and the mystery was solved :) File: printer.po msgid: !!! YOUR ENCODING !!! msgstr: iso-8859-1 msgid: !!! YOUR TEXT !!! msgstr: Acestea sunt caracterele specifice limbii române: ăĂ, îÎ, âÂ, şŞ, ţŢ (NOTE: translation is: 'These are the charaters specific to Romanian language: ăĂ, îÎ, âÂ, şŞ, ţŢ') msgid: !!! COMMON EXPLANATION !!! msgstr: Urmatoarele linii contin caractere cu diverse codificari. (NOTE1: translation is: 'Following lines contain characters in various encodings.') (NOTE2: Do not use characters specific to your language, but use your language's encoding) Please correct me if I am wrong. Yours, Stanciu-Lixandru Alec --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: