Ladislav Slezak <> writes:
We switched from YCP to Ruby so the "ycp-format" is actually not true anymore.
Sure, but pretending ycp-format would be the best approximation right now ;) With my tools (msgfmt), I would not be able to validate rb-format ;) If the original ruby syntax is closer to C, we could go for the "c-format" flag.
I don't want to blindly add "ycp-format" marks everywhere although it would work right now as nobody probably has touched any translation text yet. But later there will be such changes for sure and then we won't know which format is correct.
Sure, at one point we would have to pay the price for the language switch. That's expected and acceptable.
I don't see any solution to this problem, I think we have just to live without the additional validation... :-(
It's probably tolerable for the time being. In the very, very past, yast used to crash there was something wrong with the format strings in the translations (such as $1 instead of %1, or "%1 at %1" instead of "%1 at %2"). Let's assume ruby is robust enough.
2/ The extractor does not seem to collapse duplicates into one entry. Thus nfs_server.pot is invalid:
msgfmt --check 50-pot/nfs_server.pot 50-pot/nfs_server.pot:122: duplicate message definition... 50-pot/nfs_server.pot:119: ...this is the location of the first definition
Strange, there is some code for merging the duplicates and works quite well, it merged all duplicates correctly in my test cases.
I'll check creating this specific POT file...
Ok, thanks for working on it! -- Karl Eichwalder SUSE LINUX Products GmbH R&D / Documentation Maxfeldstraße 5 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: