Dňa Friday 26 September 2008 12:50:25 Carlos E. R. ste napísal:
The Friday 2008-09-26 at 08:39 +0200, Stanislav Visnovsky wrote:
I had several instances of kbabel; I closed them all, and started only one, and then it worked.
Go figure.
kbabel is unique-instance application - if you run more of them, they all share the same process. That's why you have to close all kbabel windows.
Whatever, but the dictionary should be working on them all, and for some reason it stopped and configuration changes (from inside the kbabel window I was using) didn't work.
This might be due to language change in a project (are you using a single project, or do you have 2 of them open?), or a possible problem in KSpell. Hard to tell...
OTOH, catalog manager is standalone, so no need to close that one.
Mmm. No, I did not close that one (it still running), but one or two kbabel windows had been opened from inside the c.manager. kbabel appears to work better if called from outside (it does not seem to inherit the project configuration correctly if called from the c.m.).
Yes, Catalog manager starts KBabel with the proper project settings.
I normally use gnome, and I call kbabel with this sequence on an xterm:
cer@nimrodel:~/Projects/babel/SuSE> ulimit -v 300000 cer@nimrodel:~/Projects/babel/SuSE> kbabel --project trunk_lcn.kbabel &
The ulimit thing is because once kbabel started eating gigabytes of memory: we had a bugzilla about that :-}
Sounds like a broken translation memory again. Stano -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org