Vojtěch Zeisek píše v St 20. 12. 2017 v 13:47 +0100:
Dne úterý 12. prosince 2017 15:28:03 CET, Padraig Dillon napsal(a):
Hi, I am mailing to let you know that we are planning to begin some translation work in Weblate on the SLE 15 project. We hope to begin this work later this week. Our hope is to work on any strings that have suggestions, strings that have no translations, strings that have failing checks etc. We'll pause next week and take stock of our progress. As this will be the first project where contracted translators will work in parallel with the community we want to make sure there are open channels of communication between all and that we build a good working relationship as we go through the project. As usual any questions can be mailed to this mailing list and it will be monitored by our team. You can also contact me directly for any issues and I will do my best to answer. Looking forward to working with you all. Regards, Padraig.
Hi, I'm confused, sorry. I have received hundreds of Weblate notifications about changes in YaST and Zypper. But these projects have been kept on practically 100% for long time, see https://l10n.opensuse.org/languages/cs/ Untranslated are mainly desktop-file-translations and packages-i18n. Within YaST, timezone_db contains plenty of controls (mainly names of localities). These projects really needing care have not been touched so far. So I don't really know what's going on right now... I hoped in more coordination or that contracted translators will finish missing gaps...? Sincerely, V.
Vojtech, this was announced in advance multiple times. Just search for the SLE robot emails. There are many suggestions presently on yast which provide translations comming from SLE, they need to be reviewed and better translation is to be picked (in most cases I did this morning tho I had to discard the SLE translation). If you don't wanna just receive emails you can of course do the same reviews, there is cca 1500 strings to review in czech language. For what is interest of SUSE we will for sure use contractors to translate specific apps or do reviews like this, rather than translating milion strings from desktop files... Cheers Tom