Hello Doug and list,
Am 26.04.2023 um 10:44 schrieb Douglas DeMaio <Douglas.DeMaio@suse.com>:
The items we went through were a bit difficult for documentation, but for translations, it looked like ChatGPT could be used, but it would need a review (and necessary adjustments) from a native speaker. It would certainly be great to have more languages translated and using the AI as a tool to help. Some words don't always translate ideally, which is why it would be great to have translators leverage it for translations.
I am a German speaker currently getting a small pension from the government due to disability and willing to step up for this task. I have already done this for Mandriva S.A. to translate some articles, localization of Mandriva Enterprise Server etc. and was employed on a Mini-Job Basis („geringfügige Beschäftigung“) for three months. We got a lot done during that time. Do you think SUSE could assign a similar budget for this? I am definitely interested. Would you might asking if they could employ me as a remote part-time worker to work on the German pages and localization? Let me know if you need a CV or any other paperwork. Have a good day, Maik Wagner www.linuxandlanguages.com