First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm a new member of the openSUSE Team at Suse Linux. I'm mainly a Ruby on Rails developer and I'll be in charge of updating some pages for the 12.3 release. Surely this is not the best way to manage this but until I get used to the regular procedures, I'll use the fast track (simply asking on this mailing list). The point is that I need some translation updates for software.opensuse.org. The live images for 12.3 doesn't fit on a CD. This is intentional, we are leaving the CD support behind. Now you have to use an USB stick. But on the page, it still says "Live CD" everywhere. So I updated the texts to reflect the new reality and now I need all the translations updated. If fact, I only added one or two phrases and slightly changed another one or two. I'm attaching the resulting pot file, just tell me if I should do something with it (instead of simply attaching it to this mail). Thank you in advance. Regards. -- Ancor González Sosa openSUSE Team at Suse Linux GmbH