Am Montag, 8. April 2013, 15:05:07 schrieb Carlos E. R.:
From my point of view this is different: I am translating for openSUSE following the translation rules Italian openSUSE translation team has agreed on. I care only about the result in openSUSE; I do not care whether these translations are then used by others (they can, it is GPL/CC); it is their problem to merge/adapt/rewrite my translations to their needs. For sure I do not want that my work, done following agreed rules, is wasted by commits done by translators from different teams following different translation rules, just because a web tool is considered more convenient to use and easier to manage. BTW, the same happens now with the SVN server: I really dislike when messages from other translations are merged and not marked as fuzzy, but hopefully this is not happening any more.
Absolutely. Same here.
Sitting in the same boat here. I also prefer to work offline with my familiar set of tools, but maybe that's just the opinion of us long term translators and openSUSE would get a lot more new translators with an easy web based approach like Ubuntu (at the expense of translation quality?!). -- Kind Regards, Michael