drade@boobah.info wrote:
Hi Daniel, I looked the Bosnian .po files found via http://en.opensuse.org/OpenSUSE_Localization_Teams link for statistics ( http://i18n.opensuse.org/stats/bs/ ) and thought that is used automatic translation, because there was a lot to translate and also a lot of translations that make no sense. Than some mail (I can't locate it now) shed a little light on it.
If program developer changes program, in the .po file it will be added comment #, fuzzy
Example: suse-i18n/trunk/yast/bs/po/base.bs.po #, fuzzy msgid "Print the help for this module" msgstr "Nema opcija za ovaj modul"
As you can see in the time translation was done (16.07.2003) there was no options for help, and translation is stating that. Now there is help and translation looks like a joke "No options for this module".
There is more fun in the same file: #, fuzzy msgid "Manually" msgstr "Managva"
The message code that is now used for message Manually, was before country selection code for Managua and it was translated correctly. I hope that this helped. ....
Hi Rajko,
Yeah alongside of all the examples stated in your above message, i have encountered many incorrect statements/translations (or at least what i think of as incorrect), for isntance (ill improvise, because i dont have the actual examples with me at this moment to present as a showcase):
msgid "The location of the file is /etc/sysconfig/keyboard" msgstr "Lokacija datoteke je /etc/sysconfig/tipkovnica" Why?
Now lets look at this from users perspective (of course assuming user does not handle or handles a foreign language poorly), user of the language will naturally look for the location of the keyboard file in /etc/sysconfig/tipkovnica, while the actual location will be /etc/sysconfig/keyboard (or are we translating complete FHS structure to local languages, afaik i dont think so).
That is clearly error that comes from translator that knows English, but not IT field.
The second example would be blatant attempt in translating directories linux FHS movement named as they are, for instance: / becomes korijenska ? Why ? /boot becomes /ucitavacka ? Why ?
Why would someone sane and clearminded, well person with at least some time spent using linux operating system even think about direct translation of these directories and/or files as stated in above example(s).
OK. That was the same as above, but as you said, no experience in IT at all.
msgid "/dev/cdrom is usually a symlink from /dev/cdroms/cdrom0" msgstr "IDE disk nije naden na sistemu"
How can this be, is that not an automated attempt of transaltion or am i wrong ?
I am not trying to blame someone here, im just saying that these transaltions do no good to the localization effort/movement at all.
Agree, and as you said no blame to anybody. It is not good, but lack of experience and strong wish to help, can do that, sometimes even worse.
There are many, many similar examples like that that ive found, so now ie lost quite big amount of time reviewing and correcting these in my honest opinion absurd translations.
Regards, Daniel Radetic
The lack of knowledge, of Croatian and Bosnian IT related vocabulary, is what prevents me to start translation. In my case I just know that I miss a lot of standard words used in both. I can correct obvious errors, but for others I don't know is the word used in IT, or just normal conversations. Translation of technical text, performed by person that doesn't know professional jargon, can lead to funny translations, like in one example from college: Electrons are moving in electrical field ... Elektroni se krecu po elektricnoj livadi ... You know that it should be "u elekticnom polju ...", but translator didn't, and mistake was found during proofreading by person that was specialist for electrical engineering. The translation to Croatian is now on it's way, thanks to you, for the rest I have to wait, as I really don't want to produce fun like in example above. -- Regards, Rajko. Visit http://en.opensuse.org/MiniSUSE --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org