It seems there are some problems with stat script. See : http://i18n.opensuse.org/stats/trunk/fr/lcn/index.php you can see "aborting" for update-desktop-files* Cheers, Guillaume Freek de Kruijf a écrit :
Op vrijdag 30 mei 2008, schreef Karl Eichwalder:
The GA release notes are now merged. I'll pick up the translations later next week.
Cheers, Karl
The stats pages o.a. http://i18n.opensuse.org/stats/trunk/ are again wrong. The nl stats here shows: translated: 24961, fuzzy 4, untranslated 0 and total 24965 However this should be: translated: 33052, fuzzy 4, untranslated 190 and total 33246
The yast stats seem to be OK, but the lcn stats are not.
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