Hello all! Recently I've spend some time on full translation of update-desktop-files-screensavers.po file. There I saw a lot of records marked as comments of corresponding *.desktop file, for instance: #: /usr/share/applications/screensavers/julia.desktop msgctxt "Comment(julia.desktop)" msgid "Animates the Julia set (a close relative of the Mandelbrot set). The small moving dot indicates the control point from which the rest of the image was generated. See also the \"Discrete\" screen saver. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_set Written by Sean McCullough; 1997." So this description comments contain whole paragraphs of text and are really time-consuming for translations. But there is a problem: these comments DO NOT PRESENT in specified *.desktop files. Further more, these descriptions ARE NOT DISPLAYED anywhere around screensavers' configurator at least in KDE4 (BTW, can any of GNOMErs here confirm it?). These *.desktop files are located under /usr/share/kde4/services/ScreenSavers, where most of the source pointers in update-desktop-files-screensavers.po lead (not all of them: as you can see from the example above, some point to the old location). So I checked the upstream kde package with the same result: KDE translations for these *.desktop files DO NOT CONTAIN such comments either. So, @Karl: what do these paragraphs do in update-desktop-files-... if they do not exist in *.desktop files themselves? Why do translation teams have to do really hard time-taking job with no displayable result? @Coolo (assuming you wrote merging scripts for this, if not, @author): even though I successfully found out the origin of these descriptions (xml files of xscreensaver package, which I had to install specifically for this case) I still do not understand why are they included here. I can't see if they are really DISPLAYED TO USER anywhere in the system either in translated or untranslated form. 1) Could you please clarify this issue described above? 2) Upstream file with translations for both screensavers and desktop themes has approx. 70+ kB size. openSUSE's update-desktop-files-screensavers is 250+ kB. Since it is kinda strange, would you mind to have (possibly separate) discussion on improving the merging script (at least with duplicates finding) to help other translation teams and save some of their time? Sorry for the long post! =) Waiting forward to hearing from you, all the best, Minton. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org