Just send us an _encrypted_ password, that you would like to use for the opensuse SVN server. To encrypt the password, you can use the attached bash script as follows:
Usage: ./svn-password <svn-repo> [<user-name>]
Interesting method.
What it is not clear is what is the svn-repo, opensuse-i18n for all of us, or how we named the svn directory on our systems. This is a little script from Daniel Schmidt @ suse. In our case (the not- internal-suse-svn-repos?!) you give opensuse-i18n (or opensuse-doc) as a
Am Donnerstag, 12. April 2012, 11:54:14 schrieb Carlos E. R.: parameter for <svn-repo>, regardless how you named the repo on your local machine. It is purely for the script to distinguish between two different methods of creating a passwort: opensuse-i18n and opensuse-doc passwords are hashed with perls crypt() function, while any other passwords are hashed via md5. Regards, Michael