Hello Karl, Karl Eichwalder wrote:
"Gabriel ." <gabriel.sgt@gmail.com> writes:
On Jan 15, 2008 8:50 AM, Karl Eichwalder <ke@suse.de> wrote:
Recently, a colleague of mine noticed "OmegaT - The free (GPL) translation memory tool": http://www.omegat.org/en/omegat.html . Is someone already familiar with this tool? Do you think it could improve our processes?
Kbabel and poedit already have this capability, so I don't think it could be really useful.
for those who feel comfortable with it, a properly applied CAT is nearly always useful. Which one to use is largely a matter of taste and of whether it has *sufficient* support for features you need.
For the other hand, it seems it doesn't support .po files.
That could perhaps be changed, not least since it's open source. I've got some Java code for handling older po files (pre-plural forms, possibly pre-UTF8), that might perhaps be reused for that purpose. GPL'ed, of course :). I tried OmegaT back when it was very new, but chose to continue using DejaVu as my general tool for a lot of reasons. Haven't given OmegaT a whirl in a long time by now, perhaps time to try it again soon.
I found a review here (in spanish) http://www.proyectonave.es/docs/otros.php
In a few words: 1. It doesn't have filter for dtd files.
This sounds strange. You probably do not want to translate DTD files (XML Document Type Definition). Or do you mean something different?
2. It doesn't support po files
I think you can rely on "third" party software. For PO file converting you can use the filter rainbow/okapi filter: http://okapi.sourceforge.net/Release/Filters/Help/po.htm
The Translate Toolkit might perhaps offer some help in file conversion too: <http://www.wordforge.org/drupal/en/projects/wordforge/tools/translate-toolkit> <http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/>
3. It can't deal with accesskeys
Ok, so we would have to escape them somehow.
Perhaps mention this to the developers and/or Marc Prior?
4. It can't import a translation done with another application.
Really? I thought it supports e. g. TMX. Have to check, but this surprises me a bit.
But alignments tools seem to be available. We must take a closer look.
Although is very good with plain text files.
Two interconnected points about it that didn't fit my bill, were the segmentation rules and the lack of assembly. BR, Gudmund --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org