[opensuse-translation-es] Subventions / Subsidies
==> Please scroll down for english version ANNUAIRE DES SUBVENTIONS AU QUÉBEC 2013 Dépot légal-Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec ISBN 978-2-922870-03-9 COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Les Publications Canadiennes offrent au public une édition révisée de l'Annuaire des Subventions au Québec 2013 contenant plus de 1800 programmes d'aides et de subventions provenant des divers paliers gouvernementaux et organismes. L'Annuaire des Subventions au Québec 2013 est l'outil idéal soit pour démarrer son entreprise, améliorer une entreprise existante, mettre sur pied son plan d'affaires ou obtenir l'aide de conseillers experts dans le domaine des affaires: Démarrage d'entreprises, études, recherches, arts, agriculture, import export, main d'oeuvre, cinéma, prêts, promotion, bourses, théatre, transports, communications, mise sur pied et développement d'entreprises, construction et rénovation, aérospatial, concours, nouveaux talents, aide aux associations, organismes et fondations, informatique, musique, industrie du disque, plans d'affaires, études de marchés, infrastructures, aide aux travailleurs autonomes, et plus encore ! Cd-rom(format .pdf)..............$69.95 Imprimé(Cd-inclus) .............$149.95 Base de données en ligne......$129.95 Pour en obtenir une copie, téléphonez sans frais au 1.866.322.3376 *************************************************************************************************************** Canadian Publications is offering to the public a revised edition of the Canadian Subsidy Directory, a guide containing more than 3200 direct and indirect financial subsidies, grants and loans offered by government departments and agencies, foundations, associations and organizations. In this new 2013 edition all programs are well described. Education, foreign affairs, community infrastructures, international trade, medical research, culture, arts, heritage, natural resources fisheries & oceans, environment, agriculture, academic studies, industry training, career development, employment, young entrepreneurs, business development, aboriginal affairs, nonprofit sector, scientific research, social services, housing children and youth Services, municipal affairs, industry development, economic development, partnerships, joint ventures, small business grants, sports and recreation. Assistance from and for foundations and associations, and much more ! NEW: The Canadian Subsidy Directory (database) offers continuously updated information for non-profit organizations, businesses, municipalities, individuals and aboriginals. This database contains more than 3200 subsidies, grants or loans offered by government agencies and foundations. Canadian Subsidy Directory (All Canada, federal + provincial + foundations) Available in three different formats: . CD-rom (Acrobat Reader file, .pdf........................69.95$ . Printed (Free cd included)..............................149.95$ ISBN 978-2-922870-04-6 . On-line database access (1 year subscription)...........129.95$ If you require any additional information, please call toll free 1-866-322-3376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quebec: 2685 Rolland, local 302, porte 5208 Ste-Adèle Qc J8B 1C9 Ontario: 4865 Hwy 138, r.r. 1 St-Andrews west On K0C 2A0 Pour ne plus recevoir de courriel veuillez répondre à ce courriel avec la mention "retirez" dans la case sujet. To remove your email from the distribution list please reply to this message including "remove" in the subject line. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation-es+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-translation-es+owner@opensuse.org
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Canadian Publications Canadiennes