Larry what is required to help. I've played with 12.1 since ms1, now on 5. Biggest show stopper for me is the frequent crashes of KDE 4.7 plasma in varous setting including reboot, shutdown, kontact. These have been reported as bugs from what I can see on Bugzilla. I'm not a programmer so I cannot help there. What else is needed? Other major problem I've got is CaLc where the horizonal slider does not work at all in 11.4 or 12.1. LibreOffice 3.4.2 OOO340m1 (Build:1204) This was downloaded from openSUSE repo so I'm not sure where to report it. It worked 3.3 versions. openSUSE 11.4(|KDE Platform Version 4.6.5 (4.6.5) "release 7"|Intel core2duo 2.5 MHZ,|8GB DDR3|GeForce 8400GS (NVIDIA- Linux-x86_64-275.21_k2.6.37.1_1.2-6.1) openSUSE 12.1 Milestone 5 (x86_64)(3.0.0-4-desktop)|KDE 4.7.1 (4.7.1) |Intel core2duo 2.5 MHZ,|8GB DDR3|GeForce 8400GS (NVIDIA-Linux- x86_64-275.19) On Friday, September 02, 2011 07:53:57 PM Larry Finger wrote:
I was quite disappointed in the community participation in our Open Bugs Day. I cannot believe that no one cares about the bugs! I guess everyone wants someone else to do the work. I really thought this is to be a community distribution.
Despite the low turnout and the resulting poor coverage of hardware and software, we were able to clear some of the 11.4 bugs, and demonstrate that others do not affect 12.1.
I certainly hope for more participation when we have the next open Bugs Day that will have the goal of cleaning up 12.1 bugs before the final release.
With the release of 12.1 MS5, I am now running the new code on 3 of my 4 real machines that were running 11.4. So far, the only problem has been with the plasmoid network manager for KDE. On all of those machines, I have switched to NetworkManager-Gnome, also known as nm-applet. It works OK, but will take a little fiddling before it works seamlessly.
Our next IRC meeting will be at 17:00 UTC, September 12 on Channel #opensuse-testing on the Freenode IRC Network. irc:// We will discuss our experiences with MS5.
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