On 11/04/2020 21.39, stakanov.s@libero.it wrote:
In data sabato 11 aprile 2020 21:34:50 CEST, Carlos E. R. ha scritto:
On Saturday, 2020-04-11 at 17:56 +0200, stakanov.s@libero.it wrote:
In data sabato 11 aprile 2020 17:19:54 CEST, Per Jessen ha scritto:
stakanov.s@libero.it wrote:
In data sabato 11 aprile 2020 13:00:06 CEST, Carlos E. R. ha scritto:
On 11/04/2020 11.08, stakanov.s@libero.it wrote: > test
Hi :-)
Still my new provider does categorize me as spam.
Yes, when your mail is forwarded by the mailing list server, it violates the SPF policy published by libero.it.
I guess I will have to use
imap instead of pop to get around it, as whitelisting is not working.
I don't think that'll make much of a difference. There's no reason to think so. Whitelisting - of the from address or do you have other criteria?> Well, if the spam is filtered it is put to the spam folder. If I use IMAP I can locally tell kmail to filter the mail in the spam folder and put it in the corresponding folder. Thus they (although ignoring that I whitelisted the mail) may continue to put it into the spam, but I will not bother any more. If I set erase when download (do not leave mail on the server) then with IMAP this should work.
Yes, I do similarly with my provider, and fecthmail. I fetch all mail in the inbox, then fetch all in the spam folder, and process it all with my spamassassing which I control.
They also ignore my configuration of not filtering spam.
But since some time (3 yrs?) I changed my processing to, instead of using fetchmail, use alpine and Thunderbird, and keep a month or two of posts at the ISP so that I can read on any computer. So now it benefits me that my ISP does handle spam. Still I have to watch what they put there and flag the incorrections.
Hey, talking on the test mail list is a new one :-D
I fiend it neat, at least it serves it's purpose. I find that kmail do not apply the filters to the spam folder. I wonder if I could write a sieve script but I am not yet sure how to.
Currently the problem appears only when I write something. All the rest is OK and filtered well.
Yes, of course. The SPF "system" detects that the post you sent was not really sent by an authorized server, but by someone else. It comes from the list. So they ignoring your whitelisting can be intentional. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework> What all of this means is, this new provider you use is the worst choice for mail lists.
Have a great evening.
In prison ;-) -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar)