TW question on output rkhunter (late install)
Question: when we install rkhunter for the first time it is expected that some error messages come up. a) is there a typical output to be confronted on the web so we can then proceed more efficiently to --propupd and to ignore certain warnings. b) is the following output expected (and can it be edited to avoid a warning, e.g. on heightening the limits for the file in question in the .cnf file): Warning: The following suspicious (large) shared memory segments have been found: Process: /usr/bin/python3.11 PID: 16524 Owner: entropy Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB) were entropy is a user of the system, has sudo rights and is running currently an instance o KVM/qemu (hence probably the reason for python requesting the memory. c) Ah, you get a lot of these (and I did encounter this on a fresh installed system, so this might be worth a bug report if you deem valid: entropy@localhost:~> sudo rkhunter -c --rwo grep: Warnung: überzähliges \ vor - grep: Warnung: überzähliges \ vor + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + grep: warning: stray \ before + Were do these "warnings" come from and would it be an idea to let the maintainer know filing a bug or is it known and expected behavior (for some configuration issue)? All this is previous to creating --propupd Thank you in advance.
participants (1)