On Sun, 28 Jan 2024 18:52:41 +0100 "Carlos E.R." <robin.listas@gmx.es> wrote:
On 2024-01-28 17:34, Dave Howorth wrote: What does it bring to a mail list like this one?
Simple things. I can use a table, and I know that it will keep aligned:
filename bytes timestamp fooo 0 today
Hmm, if I look at the plain text part I see: filename bytes timestamp fooo 0 today (the leading spaces are tab characters, BTW) Whilst if I look at the HTML part I see: filename bytes timestamp fooo 0 today which doesn't look much like a table to me although I agree it is aligned. Every word at the start of a line :)
I can have easy to do lists of things:
1. one 2. two 3. three
I can put a bunch of command line text where it is easy to see that it is command line text and easy to read, like:
Again, plain text version: is command line text and easy to read, like: Telcontar:~ # update-alternatives --config default-displaymanager There are 5 choices for the alternative default-displaymanager (providing /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/default-displaymana Selection Path Priority Status ------------------------------------------------------------ * 0 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/sddm 25 auto mode 1 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/console 5 manual mode And HTML version: command line text and easy to read, like:Telcontar:~ # update-alternatives --config default-displaymanager
There are 5 choices for the alternative default-displaymanager (providing /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/default-displaymana
Selection Path Priority Status ------------------------------------------------------------ * 0 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/sddm 25 auto mode 1 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/console 5 manual mode 2 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/gdm 25 manual mode
I know which is easier to read.
I can use *bold*, _underline_, /italics/ if I see fit.
Well you can use them but I won't see them, so why bother?
Yes, I can abuse and use glaring colours. Or simply copy paste from the terminals using the same colours as the terminal:
It's all black and white because, I repeat "*I* choose the display font etc, not the sender". So again, why bother?
When the colour printer came, did you keep printing your letters in a thousand shades of grey?
I still do print them in black and white. Legibility is key.
It's time we move on on email, too :-)
When the standard changes, sure.