Carlos E. R. composed on 2020-12-04 23:15 (UTC-0500):
It seems to me that your CUPS installation is borked...
If it is, how to discover what's wrong, reinstall all packages? # zypper se -i cups | grep kage$ i | cups | The Common UNIX Printing System | package i | cups-client | CUPS Client Programs | package i | cups-config | CUPS library configuration files | package i+ | hl5470dwcupswrapper | Brother HL-5470DW CUPS wrapper driver | package i | libcups2 | HTTP/IPP communication and printer queue and job library | package i | libcupscgi1 | CUPS web interface support function library | package i | libcupsimage2 | CUPS library for working with large images | package i | libcupsmime1 | MIME database file routines for CUPS | package i | libcupsppdc1 | CUPS PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file compiler library | package i+ | mfc8910dwcupswrapper | Brother MFC-8910DW CUPS wrapper driver | package 'zypper ve' reports all satisfied. -- Evolution as taught in public schools, like religion, is based on faith, not on science. Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks! Felix Miata ***