This post has four questions (for parts). Premises: I will refer to following internet pages (1) Demystifying Akonadi (Stephan Kügler) (2) Bringing Kmail and PostgreSQL together (3) thread on Akonadi: change to use Postgres (4) The opensuse page of postgres And indications to me stakanov of user knurpth time ago on opensuse(at)opensuseorg Now, my problem. If I well understand, you need to create a user in postgres. This is mentioned in (2) as well as in (4). First question: (4) states that it is safer not to set a password, and (2) does not explain why, but does create a user. At the same time it is advised to create a user without password (4). Now I have set up one machine according to (2), getting a message at the end that the user was set to "trusted" for local use. I think this is intended, but I am not sure. So: is this O.K.? I did not set any password. Second question: In another machine, I did set up postgres96 to use it with kontact/kmail. But I did so using only the second step of (2), that is, I did NOT create a user account. (That was obviously before reading all this). I am using postgres in the meanwhile for two users, and from a purely practical point of view it seams to run well. a) is this setup unsafe? b) if it is, is it advisable to create one user at the time, for every user account using akonadi on the system? c) can I create the user(s) now, and what issues I have to expect (given that data of two users is already there). Third question: according to (1) "Akonadi does not store user data, it caches it" Question: is this true also for the use with postgres10 or 96? If it is, I suppose the storage in /user/home is the same as for mysql? Or is the data itself stored in data_directory --------------------- /var/lib/pgsql/data (1 row) (by using: sudo -u postgres psql -c "show data_directory;") If it is, I suppose the storage in /user/home is the same as for mysql? Why do I do all this: I would like to point out that the reasons for change to postgres were constant problems with filters and indexes that vanished completely by using postgres. Although I can understand the argument that it is very safe to run mySQL the way it is configured, I have to say, safety has sense if you do not loose data and if usability and stability is granted. Which was not my case, YMMV. So just to make you understand why I did change (and why I am prone to change also every other machine on this behalf). On the other hand it should be as safe as possible. So that raises the next question: Fourth and last question: Is there a Apparmor Profile to be used with postges and what other profiles in Apparmor should I set up (if any needed). Thank you in advance. _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Ihre E-Mail-Postfächer sicher & zentral an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und alte E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: