On 18/10/2022 13.25, David T-G wrote:
Carlos, et al --
...and then Carlos E. R. said... % On 17/10/2022 23.59, David T-G wrote: ... % > I can give you that sort of thing from my web server box, which is the % > exact same model with the exact same /dev/sda but without all of the % > other storage. So let's dig in, and maybe you can figure out how grub % > is actually doing anything here. % % No, you have to get the actual output from the bad computer.
While I'm happy to try that, it will likely only tell me that grub is broken, and I meanwhile would have to figure out how to run in the /dev/sda context rather than the rescue USB context.
That doesn't matter, bootinfoscript will do the right thing, if you use the USB image I told you elsewhere.
Since the mystery seems to be how GRUB can possibly be working on a GPT disk with no /boot partition, I figured analysis of a happy system might be useful :-)
That's not a mystery.
% % Just download the script using the rescue ISO on USB stick and run it. It is % writeable.
As an added bonus, I can get to jpo remotely, but with diskfarm down I have to be there. I'll be home again in a couple of days -- to, I hope, try out magic incantations we learn here.
Thanks again & HAND
Welcome -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 15.3 (Legolas))