On Tue 01 Dec 2020 03:54:06 PM CST, Jogchum Reitsma wrote:
Op 01-12-2020 om 05:46 schreef Malcolm:
<snip> Hi Yes, I'm the maintainer of openMVS ;)
Here is a special build of openMVG patched as per the document.... https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:malcolmlewis:TESTING/Regard3D_o...
It fails to install with
zypper addrepo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:malcolmlewis:TESTING/openSUS... Adding repository 'Testing packages... (openSUSE_Tumbleweed)' ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[error] Repository named 'home_malcolmlewis_TESTING' already exists. Please use another alias. /* from a previous try to install the package*/
zypper install Regard3D_openMVG
Hi It's development package only... ;) zypper in Regard3D_openMVG-static-devel <snip> -- Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890) Tumbleweed 20201129 | GNOME Shell 3.38.1 | 5.9.10-1-default Intel DQ77MK MB | Xeon E3-1245 V2 X8 @ 3.40 GHz | Intel/Nvidia up 2:36, 2 users, load average: 0.91, 1.33, 1.58