Hey everyone, I got this message, "maxwell is not in the sudoers file. This incident has been reported to the administrator." while trying to run some sudo commands after recently following the instructions to install Docker here: https://en.opensuse.org/Docker I was following the Yast2 installation instructions until I got to the adding user to the docker group step. For some reason I thought I would continue the steps using the command line so I ran following commands which I got from the "history" command: 861 sudo usermod -G docker -a $USER 862 sudo systemctl restart docker 863 docker version 864 docker run --rm hello-world 865 echo $USER 866 man usermod 867 systemctl start docker -- 868 docker run --rm hello-world 869 sudo zypper dup 870 sudo shutdown -r now After those last two commands I was starting to get worried, but I can still login as root (su) and use Yast to do stuff. I figured it might be an issue with how I ran the usermod command, but I'm not sure. On the bright side Docker is installed now. Things I have tried: restart my computer use Yast to add my user account to the wheel group use Yast to remove myself from the wheel group use Yast to add myself to the user group restart after doing those group changes I am running Tumbleweed.