Hi Hartmut, On Fri, 2022-12-09 at 12:00 +0100, Hartmut Rosch wrote:
Hello to all,
I don't if this kist is the right one
This list is about development of Tumbleweed and the directions it takes. Your query rather belongs to the support list (I cross-posted this reply to support; please only reply to the support list, not factory for this topic)
if I to run meld, i.e,
Is this the meld version from Tumbleweed? ("rpm -qi meld" please)
meld (from the command line, i receive the following) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/meld", line 96, in <module> import meld.conf # noqa: E402 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'meld'
That sounds very strange, and somewhat implies that the meld verison you have installed is either defective or not compatible with the default python interpreter on your system. Please check the outputs of: rpm -qV meld if that gives no putput, check "rpm -ql meld" and take note of the lines containing python.*/site-packages. Then verify "python3 --version"; does the version number found in the output earlier match the one from python3 --version (only the first two are relevant, so in case it gives 3.10.8, only 3.10 is relevant)
then running (downloaded from meldmerge.org/)
I got two windows one with "meld" in the titlebar and nothing else and a second one with "meld" also in the titlebar and additionally saying "Meld requires Gtk+3.20 or higher"
That's something for upstream to answer. Tumbleweed ships meld as a package which is integrated into the sytsem. Cheers, Dominique