-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 El 2022-03-15 a las 18:41 +0100, Axel Braun escribió:
Am Dienstag, 15. März 2022, 17:03:43 CET schrieb Knurpht-openSUSE:
Op dinsdag 15 maart 2022 16:58:53 CET schreef Peter Fodrek,ml.-súkromne:
In short: You use TW in a way you should never use it. It is a rolling distro, and now you want to update a 10 month old install ????
And? It should work, and it worked for me already.
IMO, it is not supposed to work. The intended usage of Tumbleweed is frequent updating. Weekly. Monthly at worst. - -- Cheers Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 15.3 (Legolas)) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHoEARECADoWIQQZEb51mJKK1KpcU/W1MxgcbY1H1QUCYjDZQhwccm9iaW4ubGlz dGFzQHRlbGVmb25pY2EubmV0AAoJELUzGBxtjUfVeisAn0+jRnIl3CkT+GXMPOrE FVeae+3PAJ0aTB94Z5sSqBL0ESQ0Z/IjGy84Uw== =jusD -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----