Op donderdag 14 maart 2024 06:01:58 CET schreef -pj:
Hi, I am using openSUSE TUmbleweed. What is the general principal and thought/s about recreating the 'index databases' on the machine with (# rpm --rebuilddb)?
Is there another command or systemd service that should be run after this?
Can this cause damage to the existing paths, files or directories already in place? Are there known negative effects of the command?
To me it seems like perhaps a command like 'zypper clean' or 'zypper ref' even though obviously different in what it does. Something of a sort of maintenance procedure of sorts?
Article -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPM_Package_Manager#Forks
-Regards Could you please stick to your OP? One thing at the time. Your threads are derailing far too much by readding new questions.
-- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Board openSUSE Forums Team