On 05/12/2020 05.52, Felix Miata wrote:
Carlos E. R. composed on 2020-12-04 23:15 (UTC-0500):
It seems to me that your CUPS installation is borked...
If it is, how to discover what's wrong, reinstall all packages?
# zypper se -i cups | grep kage$ i | cups | The Common UNIX Printing System | package i | cups-client | CUPS Client Programs | package i | cups-config | CUPS library configuration files | package i+ | hl5470dwcupswrapper | Brother HL-5470DW CUPS wrapper driver | package i | libcups2 | HTTP/IPP communication and printer queue and job library | package i | libcupscgi1 | CUPS web interface support function library | package i | libcupsimage2 | CUPS library for working with large images | package i | libcupsmime1 | MIME database file routines for CUPS | package i | libcupsppdc1 | CUPS PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file compiler library | package i+ | mfc8910dwcupswrapper | Brother MFC-8910DW CUPS wrapper driver | package
'zypper ve' reports all satisfied.
Wait for more advices. There is a page in our wiki that says what to do to reinstall all of cups. It is not as simple as reinstalling the rpms. Did you say you had two different printers as a result of your two installation tests? Try printing to each of them.
-- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar)