On 22/02/2021 18.02, Maximilian Trummer wrote:
Am Montag, 22. Februar 2021, 16:43:06 CET schrieb Carlos E. R.:
Content-ID: <alpine.LSU.2.21.2102221641280.5355@Legolas.valinor>
El 2021-02-22 a las 14:10 +0100, Maximilian Trummer escribió:
Am Montag, 22. Februar 2021, 14:05:42 CET schrieb Knurpht-openSUSE:
Op maandag 22 februari 2021 13:58:12 CET schreef Maximilian Trummer: ...
But perhaps you should see below /var/cache/zypp/ to find what subdirectories are bigger.
None of my repos have "keep downloaded packages" checked in yast's repository module, and I don't remember enabling such a setting either.
And the other thing? cer@Legolas:~> du -hsc /var/cache/zypp/* 4.0K /var/cache/zypp/notas 12K /var/cache/zypp/packages 5.0M /var/cache/zypp/raw 7.9M /var/cache/zypp/solv 13M total cer@Legolas:~> -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 15.2 (Legolas))