Am Montag, 22. Februar 2021, 16:43:06 CET schrieb Carlos E. R.:
Content-ID: <alpine.LSU.2.21.2102221641280.5355@Legolas.valinor>
El 2021-02-22 a las 14:10 +0100, Maximilian Trummer escribió:
Am Montag, 22. Februar 2021, 14:05:42 CET schrieb Knurpht-openSUSE:
Op maandag 22 februari 2021 13:58:12 CET schreef Maximilian Trummer: ...
Like I said I can do it myself, but why is it not done automatically?
Because you told zypper not to clean. Ie, you one or more repositories configured to "keep downloaded packages"
But perhaps you should see below /var/cache/zypp/ to find what subdirectories are bigger.
-- Cheers Carlos E. R.
(from openSUSE 15.2 (Legolas))
None of my repos have "keep downloaded packages" checked in yast's repository module, and I don't remember enabling such a setting either.