On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 11:58:41AM +0200, JJM de Faber wrote:
What is the correct and most recent mount command for ntfs ?
ntfs-3g or mount -t ntfs .
What is the difference between this two ?
I found ntfs-3g to be a lot more tolerant of whatever state an NTFS system was in when imaged. This was restoring files after an emergency laptop backup with a CloneZilla bootable image. To examine the files on a Leap host, without risk of messing up the original/backup: # mount -t ntfs-3g -o loop /var2/tosh/hpenvy_sdb2_ntfs.img /mnt/hpenvy_sdb2 Looking at/remembering from my notes, a regular 'mount -t ntfs' gave lots of whiny error messages that partitions were truncated etc. I recall I'd already had to jump through some hoops and forum comments to find a --restore_raw_file flag to pass to partclone to pull the copy from the external drive onto the host: # cat /path__externaldisk/sdb2.ntfs-ptcl-img.gz |gzip -d -c | partclone.ntfs -r -s - -o /var2/tosh/hpenvy_sdb2_ntfs.img --restore_raw_file I'd previously heard lots of good things about clonezilla. Trying out a new tool for the first time, under pressure, had its moments. Daniel