Maybe OT: martian sources and new dev eth

Hi, I've noticed that since I installed a new network card, I have lots of "martian sources" on dev eth1 which it happens to be down. It looks like it grabs all broadcast/martian packets in the active netcard. Not exactly a problem but annoying, hun? Or maybe the card is damaged? Could some 1 explain me that? Regards, -- .-. e-SecureNet /v\ We Run SuSE Project Manager // \\ *The LINUX Experts* c/o Miguel Albuquerque /( )\ Av. Miremont 46 ^^-^^ 1202 - GE, SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 (22) 782 5344 Fax: +41 (22) 782 5348 "Was Sind und was Sollen die Zahlen?" Dedekind. ____________________________________________________________

* Miguel Albuquerque wrote on Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 20:15 +0100:
I've noticed that since I installed a new network card, I have lots of "martian sources" on dev eth1 which it happens to be down.
You mean, when the interface went down, you get martian sources?
It looks like it grabs all broadcast/martian packets in the active netcard.
I think this interface really sees that packets on wire. On, I put this: perl -e '$a=shift;{printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n", ("0x" . substr($a,6,2)), ("0x" . substr($a,4,2)), ("0x" . substr($a,2,2)), ("0x" . substr($a,0,2));}' <hexstring> steffen@dx:~ > perl -e '....' ff01a8c0 to translate the hex dump to a dotted-quad notation IP (works for intel byte order :)). Maybe you have some windows 2000 with such an ugly link local address or some multicast, check it out. oki, Steffen -- Dieses Schreiben wurde maschinell erstellt, es trägt daher weder Unterschrift noch Siegel.
participants (2)
Miguel Albuquerque
Steffen Dettmer