Re: Fw: [ [suse-security] SuSE 9.1 + quota = deadlock]

Hi, sorry, i know that the information given by me was very poor. i am running reiserfs and the device is listed in fstab this way: /dev/hda2 / reiserfs acl,user_xattr,usrquota 1 1 i found some posts about this kind of problem when having acl activated (even when not in use). but the strange thing is, that we never had this problem on this machine before. i know, that users reached their quota limit without problems. i think that it will have to do with one of the last kernel upgrades on suse 9.1 (or maybe some other packages?) some information i found (maybe the same thing): the first time we saw this bug on 2005-09-20 on our system. it does not happen very often that our users reach their quota limit but now we see that problem once or twice a week. so it could be a problem since that update: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9144 Sep 3 16:05 kernel-52369 any help would be fine - thank you. christopher 2005/10/21, Jan Kara <>:
is there some bugzilla entry for this problem? If not, then please create one... Also some questions: do you use acls or extended attributes? Which filesystem do you use? Have you tried to reproduce the problem with some newer kernel? By what do you judge that the bug is 'known' - if you point me to some place where this was discussed I have better chance of remembering how I fixed that in newer kernels ;).
Bye Honza
----- Forwarded message from Christopher Lenzberger <> -----
DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=beta;; h=received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition; b=RHBgj00jhQWf9SxKFvNEGZeqHKx9J9B55If52T/sGsxNqUj58WsyMFyhF7lgYy50mG8npwPkwPQiXPBiGBcSTTIbdUciYM881uNHtbKduh35xd+0sk9rEJPEYqjiDkerxkyA/OfqG+bF8v0aWwz0+QYdsM7JL61dx0sNL5wyo64= Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 13:59:04 +0200 From: Christopher Lenzberger <> To: Subject: [suse-security] SuSE 9.1 + quota = deadlock
we are running suse 9.1 using userquota but something strange happens when a user reaches his limit (for example with vsftpd).
the task accessing the file hangs in state "D" - no access to the directory is possible. kill or killall won't help - only rebooting the machine helps until a user reaches his limit again...
seems to be an old known bug - but this one should be already fixed?!?
currently we are running: Linux version 2.6.5-7.201-default (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)) #1 Thu Aug 25 06:20:45 UTC 2005
please help - thank u!
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-- Bye, Thomas -- Thomas Biege <>, SUSE LINUX, Security Support & Auditing -- Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be violent psychopath who knows where you live. --- John F. Woods
-- Jan Kara <> SuSE CR Labs
participants (1)
Christopher Lenzberger