DNS and Firewall (again) !
Hello List I have a small network base on private ips and have one masquerading server. I want to specify in TCP options on the other machines the gate way machine as a dns server also.. Some abstraction.. I used to have named doing name caching for that. However now I am trying to use SuSEFirewall (or even by hand) to do that work. I mean.. All trafic from internal machines to firewall 's dns port (53) be automatically redirected (and masqueraded) to one dns server of the ISP (or both of those..) I have a cable connection and a SuSE 7.1 FTP clean installation. I believe it is SuSEfirewall 4.3 and kernel 2.4.2.. Is it possible ? I've looked and firewall's config and there are two non matching option's : port redirection (No private ips) and local port redirection (doesn't work!) TIA Diogo Quintela /------------------------------------------------------------------ || Diogo Bacelar Quintela ||----------------------------------------------------------------- || diogo.quintela@netcabo.pt // dbq@rnl.ist.utl.pt ||----------------------------------------------------------------- || PGP Public Key || http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2099755D \------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Diogo Bacelar Quintela