AW: [suse-security] my linux scans its ports on its own...

Yes, you are right ! If I restart squid this message apperars in the log. But why now and not earlier ? And second: why still cancels squid the loading of pages after a restart ? Cheers Thorsten -- Newell Window Fashions Germany GmbH EDV / Dept. IT Neutrauchburger Str. 20 D-88316 Isny Thorsten Schneider Tel.: (+49) 7562 / 985-112 Fax: - 100 -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Joao Seabra [] Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 8. Februar 2001 11:22 An: Thorsten Schneider Cc: '' Betreff: Re: [suse-security] my linux scans its ports on its own... On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Thorsten Schneider wrote:
since some weeks I find these entries in my /var/log/warn:
scanlogd: From to ports 4228, 4230, 4232, 4234, 4236, 4238, 4240, 4242, 4244, ..., flags f?rp?u, TOS 00, TTL 64, started at 08:09:22
Its probably squid. Try to stop/start it to see if this happens. Seabra AAC --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Thorsten Schneider wrote:
Yes, you are right !
If I restart squid this message apperars in the log. But why now and not earlier ?
Maybe you didnt noticed... I think squid does that by default
And second: why still cancels squid the loading of pages after a restart ?
I dont know what version of squid you are using,but try to upgrade it to the latest stable version.Sometimes squid just restarts due to errors (like weird url's,etc).Thats why your page loading gets canceled.Because it stops what its doing and you have to send a new request "to the proxy" (by pressing the reload button ;) ). Try checking in the squid logs to see why it restarts. If you get coredump try checking this faq: Hope this helps Seabra AAC
participants (2)
Joao Seabra
Thorsten Schneider