Apologies guys, I know this is the wrong list, but am unsure which list to use. I only subscribe at present to SUSE Security. Please point me in the right area. I am generating the following errors .. hdb: dma_init: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error} hdb: dma_init: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC} ide: failed opcode was : unknown I get about 7 or 8 of these when transfering sustained data from the linux machine to a Windows machine using SAMBA. After these errors the linux machine freezes completely forcing a hard RESET to clear it. I have two physical hard drives hda, hdb (both 120MB Western Digital drives) configured using LVM. The LVM contains my \home directories, which contain the files I am trying to transfer. The system has run for over a year without problems. I have run the DOS based WD diagnostics on the drive and it reports no errors. Any thing you can suggest. Philip
I would suggest you to backup your data soon. The error might be either due to several reasons. Either your drive is starting to fail (you shall also get log lines with the sector that can not be reached). Another posibility is a wrongly defined partition table (maybe a partition is bigger than the disk) It could be possible that you are pushing the drive to a DMA mode it does not support At last, I think it might be an IDE cable/connector problem regards Ariel Philip B Cook escribió:
Apologies guys, I know this is the wrong list, but am unsure which list to use.
I only subscribe at present to SUSE Security.
Please point me in the right area.
I am generating the following errors ..
hdb: dma_init: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error} hdb: dma_init: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC} ide: failed opcode was : unknown
I get about 7 or 8 of these when transfering sustained data from the linux machine to a Windows machine using SAMBA. After these errors the linux machine freezes completely forcing a hard RESET to clear it.
I have two physical hard drives hda, hdb (both 120MB Western Digital drives) configured using LVM. The LVM contains my \home directories, which contain the files I am trying to transfer.
The system has run for over a year without problems.
I have run the DOS based WD diagnostics on the drive and it reports no errors.
Any thing you can suggest.
Apologies guys, I know this is the wrong list, but am unsure which list to use. Data integrity can be considered a security topic :-)
hdb: dma_init: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error} hdb: dma_init: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}
DMA error.
ide: failed opcode was : unknown
Controller fails. If a disk has erratic blocks, it will loose first DMA, then tries PIO, and at last reset the bus. I had to recover failing harddisk several times for customers, this one looks a bit different, as I always had IDE opcodes and reset messages in log. The freezing system is a sign for kernel trouble. Samba and LVM should not cause the trouble - my first guess would be failing disks, second guess failing controller (in most cases chipset on mainboard), third a bad IDE driver / kernel combination. Backup your Data first. Try to use a vanilla kernel. If the error stays, exchange mainboard or use an external controller (i.e. a Promise card). Use fsck. If you still have errors the disks are broken. Ciao, Dieter
If a disk has erratic blocks, it will loose first DMA, then tries PIO, and at last reset the bus. I had to recover failing harddisk several times for customers, this one looks a bit different, as I always had IDE opcodes and reset messages in log. The freezing system is a sign for kernel trouble.
Sometimes now I see the last message in the log is ide0: reset: success then then machine freezes. But it does not occur every time. I have stripped down the machine, disconnected and reconnected the hard drives. I have re-installed LINUX (though not yet allowed YOU to get any updates) using the same LVM disk partition arrangement, but re-formatted all the partitions. I am presently restoring the data to the LVM. I will let you know if the problem recurs. If this still fails then I will switch to an alternative mobo ie change the ide controller chip.. before finally sending the Primary Slave disk back to the supplier (it is only 10 months old). Thanks for all your ideas. Philip
On Apr 23, Philip B Cook <philipbcook@ntlworld.com> wrote:
If a disk has erratic blocks, it will loose first DMA, then tries PIO, and at last reset the bus. I had to recover failing harddisk several times for customers, this one looks a bit different, as I always had IDE opcodes and reset messages in log. The freezing system is a sign for kernel trouble.
Sometimes now I see the last message in the log is
ide0: reset: success
then then machine freezes. But it does not occur every time.
I have stripped down the machine, disconnected and reconnected the hard drives. I have re-installed LINUX (though not yet allowed YOU to get any updates) using the same LVM disk partition arrangement, but re-formatted all the partitions. I am presently restoring the data to the LVM. I will let you know if the problem recurs.
The most efficient way to check your hard drive is a vendor specific tool which is usually booted off a small boot-cd or floppy image and can be downloaded from your harddrive vendors homepage. It uses internal commands of the drive and may even repair bad sectors (remap them to spare sectors). Everything else is a waste of time (imho). Markus
I have re-installed LINUX (though not yet allowed YOU to get any updates)
That won't fix it, but if there were filesystem errors causing the trouble formatting might help. I experienced trouble like yours once with a Highpoint IDE controller, cause was the broken kernel module for that chip. That's why I suggest to use a vanilla kernel - SuSE kernel contain loads of patches for almost all hardware, but sometimes these patches cause troubles.
The most efficient way to check your hard drive is a vendor specific tool which is usually booted off a small boot-cd or floppy image and can be
He did that without results before? But you're right. Ciao, Dieter
participants (4)
Ariel Sabiguero Yawelak
Dieter Kirchner
Markus Gaugusch
Philip B Cook