Hi there, I think this has been asked before, but I could not find an answer! (btw: Is this list archived somewhere?) Since upgrading to SuSE 6.3, I find the following messages in my syslog, what do they mean? I know that the named has had several vulnerabilitites, but I thought they were fixed by suse? The Nameserver has several primary and secondary domains, so it has to be running. "rpm -q bind" says "bind-4.9.7-101" --- cut --- Dec 17 22:12:51 havanna named[148]: NSTATS 945465171 945181057 A=162718 NS=3 CNAME=3 SOA=1271 PTR=177530 MX=2894 TXT=1 AAAA=3 AXFR=15 ANY=8174 Dec 17 22:12:51 havanna named[148]: XSTATS 945465171 945181057 RR=40119 RNXD=1465 RFwdR=31813 RDupR=234 RFail=1310 RFErr=0 RErr=0 RAXFR=15 RLame=840 ROpts=0 SSysQ=6107 SAns=320645 SFwdQ=31954 SDupQ=3636 SErr=54 RQ=352612 RIQ=0 RFwdQ=31954 RDupQ=537 RTCP=106 SFwdR=31813 SFail=624 SFErr=5 SNaAns=84099 SNXD=12605 Dec 17 23:26:11 havanna named[148]: NSTATS 945469571 945181057 A=165024 NS=3 CNAME=3 SOA=1292 PTR=179680 MX=2921 TXT=1 AAAA=3 AXFR=15 ANY=8248 Dec 17 23:26:11 havanna named[148]: XSTATS 945469571 945181057 RR=40426 RNXD=1472 RFwdR=32088 RDupR=235 RFail=1310 RFErr=0 RErr=0 RAXFR=15 RLame=840 ROpts=0 SSysQ=6142 SAns=324952 SFwdQ=32227 SDupQ=3640 SErr=54 RQ=357190 RIQ=0 RFwdQ=32227 RDupQ=537 RTCP=106 SFwdR=32088 SFail=624 SFErr=5 SNaAns=84918 SNXD=12662 --- cut --- Thanks for any pointer you could give me... Stefan Salzer -- Qualität ist nicht was man verspricht, sondern was man hält! ======================================================================== = Wollen Sie unseren kostenlosen Newsletter "cinNews" beziehen? = = unter http://news.cin.de können Sie ihn abonnieren! = = -------------------------------------------------------------------- = = Stefan Salzer e-Mail: salt@cin.de = = Connect Internetworking Telefon: +49 6106 8498 0 = = Hauptstr. 139 Telefax: +49 6106 8498 299 = = 63110 Rodgau WWW: http://www.cin.de = = Germany = ========================================================================

Hi, On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, Stefan Salzer wrote:
I think this has been asked before, but I could not find an answer! (btw: Is this list archived somewhere?)
Yes, see http://lists.suse.com/archives/ for an archive. A search engine will be set up soon.
Since upgrading to SuSE 6.3, I find the following messages in my syslog, what do they mean? I know that the named has had several vulnerabilitites, but I thought they were fixed by suse?
Sorry, no idea about this :( Bye, LenZ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lenz Grimmer SuSE GmbH mailto:grimmer@suse.de Schanzaeckerstr. 10 http://www.suse.de/~grimmer 90443 Nuernberg, Germany

Those are normal named logs. Its showing you the stats.. The O'reilly book "DNS and BIND" has more info..but here's a quick snippet: "The first two numbers for each message are time. If you subtract the second number from the first number, you'll find out how many seconds your server has been running. (You'd think the name server could do that for you.) The CPU entry tells you how much time your server has spent in user mode (13.01 seconds) and system mode (3.26 seconds). Then it tells you the same statistic for child processes. The NSTATS message lists the query types your server has received and the counts for each. The XSTATS message lists additional statistics......" You can even find out how much bandwidth your name services are using.. mine is currently using about 6mb a day. Chrissy
Dec 17 22:12:51 havanna named[148]: NSTATS 945465171 945181057 A=162718 NS=3 CNAME=3 SOA=1271 PTR=177530 MX=2894 TXT=1 AAAA=3 AXFR=15 ANY=8174 Dec 17 22:12:51 havanna named[148]: XSTATS 945465171 945181057 RR=40119 RNXD=1465 RFwdR=31813 RDupR=234 RFail=1310 RFErr=0 RErr=0 RAXFR=15 RLame=840 ROpts=0 SSysQ=6107 SAns=320645 SFwdQ=31954 SDupQ=3636 SErr=54 RQ=352612 RIQ=0 RFwdQ=31954 RDupQ=537 RTCP=106 SFwdR=31813 SFail=624 SFErr=5 SNaAns=84099 SNXD=12605 Dec 17 23:26:11 havanna named[148]: NSTATS 945469571 945181057 A=165024 NS=3 CNAME=3 SOA=1292 PTR=179680 MX=2921 TXT=1 AAAA=3 AXFR=15 ANY=8248 Dec 17 23:26:11 havanna named[148]: XSTATS 945469571 945181057 RR=40426 RNXD=1472 RFwdR=32088 RDupR=235 RFail=1310 RFErr=0 RErr=0 RAXFR=15 RLame=840 ROpts=0 SSysQ=6142 SAns=324952 SFwdQ=32227 SDupQ=3640 SErr=54 RQ=357190 RIQ=0 RFwdQ=32227 RDupQ=537 RTCP=106 SFwdR=32088 SFail=624 SFErr=5 SNaAns=84918 SNXD=12662

Chrissy LeMaire wrote on Sun, Dec 19, 1999 at 13:40 -0800:
Dec 17 22:12:51 havanna named[148]: NSTATS 945465171 945181057 A=162718 NS=3 CNAME=3 SOA=1271 PTR=177530 MX=2894 TXT=1 AAAA=3 AXFR=15 ANY=8174
Those are normal named logs. Its showing you the stats..
See /etc/named.boot for: statistics-interval 60; // log statistics every // 'statistics-interval' minutes Maybe you can set it to zero to disable it, I don't know exactly... It's interesting that you have more PTR's than A's... And an IPv6 entry, too?? CooL :) oki, Steffen -- Dieses Schreiben wurde maschinell erstellt, es trägt daher weder Unterschrift noch Siegel.
participants (4)
Chrissy LeMaire
Lenz Grimmer
Stefan Salzer
Steffen Dettmer