Re: [suse-security] Samba and SuSE Firewall 2

Oops, I forgot something in my mail! Where to add this to: Add following line to /etc/rc.config.d/firewall2.rc.config LOCALNET_1="" to allow net Access to local Samba Server. Must be change to your needs! For Complex Networks you have to make a filter rule and a log rule for each subnet. Take the example from the other mail! Better make a test before that with: /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 test If no error come, then you have typed in all letters correct and the firewall can be restartted! /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 stop /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 start This flushes the rules. Sometimes the rcSuSEfirewall2 leaves single chains unflushed! Philippe P.S.: I changed the log-name-entry for /var/log/firewall in my rule, because I use for Mailing reports to me, so leave this as is in the Script! P.S.S.: This change is made to your own risk. At my servers it works! The "deny all" - rules later in the script deny any other PC's to access samba, so you only have to allow, what is allowed. There is no need to insert deny-rules there.
participants (1)
Philippe Vogel