Hi, in /usr/sbin/amavis (original 25.10.2001 / perl-11) is an "error" in line 1147 [...] 1146 /^gzip compresssed/io && ..... 1147 /^compress'd/io && ..... < is this correct?? 1148 /^bzip2 compressed/io && ..... [...] Kind regards --- Matthias Bitterlich Tel: 03991-177151 Fax: 03991-177112 Stadt Waren (Müritz) Hauptamt - EDV www.stadt-waren.de Zum Amtsbrink 1 17192 Waren (Müritz) Germany

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Stadtverwaltung - Waren Mueritz wrote:
Just for the record. We replied to him directly, but got no reply yet. file(1) reports compress'd data 16 bits best regards, Rainer Link -- Rainer Link | SuSE - The Linux Experts link@suse.de | Developer of A Mail Virus Scanner (www.amavis.org) www.suse.de | Founder OpenAntiVirus Project (www.openantivirus.org)
participants (2)
Rainer Link