Hello, It appears that out of all my ports this is the only one open, I don't really know how to close it. I tried: /sbin/ipchains -I input -p UDP -s 0/0 -d 0/0 (port) -j REJECT Is this completely wrong, or is there another way to close all UDP ports? I'm using SuSE 7.1 2.4.0 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger http://im.yahoo.com

It appears that out of all my ports this is the only one open, I don't really know how to close it. I tried:
are you using 2.4.x kernel with ipchains - butter way ist more powerful iptables an e.g. the SuSEfirwall2 from www.suse.com\~marc. Anyway ipchains -I input -j DENY -p udp --dport $PORTNUMBER -i $EXTERNALINTERFACE blocks the port $PORTNUMBER , e.g. 31337, on interface $EXTERNALINTERFACE, e.g. eth0. Use DENY instead of REJECT, so your box will be completly quit. Michael
participants (2)
Jesse yep