Hello last night i found an list on ripe where to see all countries and ther ip ranges http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/mem-services/general/allocs4.html with an awk script i cut out everything but ips now ips are looking like 212.30/19 original uk.guernsey-telecoms (Guernsey Telecoms) 19980304 212.30/19 ALLOCATED PA command: ipchains -A input -s 212.30/19 -j DENY but in ipchains -L -n the rule is after this step DENY all ------ n/a why where´s there the error??? ---------------- other question, someone now how to expand 212.30/19 with awk to an complete ip like into an whole list?? list is like following "194.112.192/18", "212.126.64/19", "212.52.192/19", "213.153.32/19", "195.70.96/19", "194.118.0/19", "194.118.32/19", "194.118.64/18", "194.118.128/17", "62.140.32/19", "212.119.128/19", "62.178/15", "195.34.128/19", "212.17.64/18", "212.186.0/16", "213.47/16", "62.46/15", "195.3.64/18", "212.183/18", "212.183.64/18", "213.33/17", "194.183.128/19", "194.208.0/19", "194.208.32/19", "194.208.64/18", "194.208.128/17", "213.142.32/19", "62.218/16",

Hi Rene, hi folks! rene marhold wrote:
I don't know how you would deny (see subject) a _whole country_ -- for (maybe I'm wrong) there are only /some/ IP-Adresses (~spaces) shown, that are "...allocated by local internet registries..." (I'm quite sure, that there aren't _all_ IP-Adresses/Ranges ...)
There are (too) many documents everywhere, to see how IP works! As I understand your question right -- a (very, very) short description: 212.xxx.xxx.xxx means it's a 'Class-C'-Network (IP-Range from 192.x.x.x to 224.x.x.x) /19 means that there are _19_ bits for the net & the remaining for the hosts \_____________/ | ·--> if you suppose, that 'normally' for a 'Class-C'-Net the netmask is /24 you'll realize that /19 is a 'shorten' netmask! In this case (see above) /many/ 'Class-C'-Adresses are collected to 'one' (WELCOME to the wonderful world of SUBNETTING & SUPERNETTING <g>!) At this point, you're entering the *heavy*(?) part of IP-Adressing! Back to your question: the IP-Adress-range for /Guernsey Telecoms/ is from = 'Network'-Adress to = 'Broadcast'-Adress (for this net!) with the max. No. of hosts = 8190 (adresses) IMHO the list is a (really) good starting for denying a complete 'provider' -- if you will do so! Not more! If you are spammed by clients -->> you can 'nuke' the _provider_ not a complete country! HTH (???) CU -- best greetings from Solingen /GERMANY Dieter Hürten

* rene marhold wrote on Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 23:00 -0700:
"route" says: route add -net 212.30/19 route: netmask doesn't match route address interesting: dx:~ # route add -host 212.30 reject - !H so 212.30 is _not_ a shorthand for ipchains: dx:~ # ipchains -A input -s 212.30/32 ipchains -nL|grep 212 - all ------ n/a so you have to say "". oki, Steffen -- Dieses Schreiben wurde maschinell erstellt, es trägt daher weder Unterschrift noch Siegel.

Hi Rene, hi folks! rene marhold wrote:
I don't know how you would deny (see subject) a _whole country_ -- for (maybe I'm wrong) there are only /some/ IP-Adresses (~spaces) shown, that are "...allocated by local internet registries..." (I'm quite sure, that there aren't _all_ IP-Adresses/Ranges ...)
There are (too) many documents everywhere, to see how IP works! As I understand your question right -- a (very, very) short description: 212.xxx.xxx.xxx means it's a 'Class-C'-Network (IP-Range from 192.x.x.x to 224.x.x.x) /19 means that there are _19_ bits for the net & the remaining for the hosts \_____________/ | ·--> if you suppose, that 'normally' for a 'Class-C'-Net the netmask is /24 you'll realize that /19 is a 'shorten' netmask! In this case (see above) /many/ 'Class-C'-Adresses are collected to 'one' (WELCOME to the wonderful world of SUBNETTING & SUPERNETTING <g>!) At this point, you're entering the *heavy*(?) part of IP-Adressing! Back to your question: the IP-Adress-range for /Guernsey Telecoms/ is from = 'Network'-Adress to = 'Broadcast'-Adress (for this net!) with the max. No. of hosts = 8190 (adresses) IMHO the list is a (really) good starting for denying a complete 'provider' -- if you will do so! Not more! If you are spammed by clients -->> you can 'nuke' the _provider_ not a complete country! HTH (???) CU -- best greetings from Solingen /GERMANY Dieter Hürten

* rene marhold wrote on Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 23:00 -0700:
"route" says: route add -net 212.30/19 route: netmask doesn't match route address interesting: dx:~ # route add -host 212.30 reject - !H so 212.30 is _not_ a shorthand for ipchains: dx:~ # ipchains -A input -s 212.30/32 ipchains -nL|grep 212 - all ------ n/a so you have to say "". oki, Steffen -- Dieses Schreiben wurde maschinell erstellt, es trägt daher weder Unterschrift noch Siegel.
participants (3)
Dieter Huerten
rene marhold
Steffen Dettmer