This only works on bash 3.0+. Solved the problem inserting HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T " to the file /etc/bash.bashrc.local. Tested the history overight problem and it works fine now. Thanks for the tip. André Assis Guimarães ___________________________________ Modelo Continente Hipermercados, S.A. Direcção de Sistemas de Informação Tecnologia Suporte Especializado - Sistemas Centrais Ext: 14850 Tel: +351 220114850 -----Original Message----- From: Luis Guilherme [] Sent: terça-feira, 19 de Julho de 2005 10:50 To: GUIMARAES Andre Assis Subject: Re: [suse-security] History accounting Refere-se ao History da shell bash? veja HISTTIMEFORMAT variable HISTCONTROL variable GUIMARAES Andre Assis wrote:
What do I have to do to have all the history saved with a timestamp?
The 2 problems that I have at the moment are:
- I can not see when the user x did a certain command. - If user x has 2 or more sessions, the history isn't saved for most of the sessions (last session saves over the other ones?)
Andre Guimaraes
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